
Essential publications and whitepapers

Titles Focus areas Excerpts Authors Publication
Polkadot: Vision for
a heterogeneous
multi-chain framework
Pooled security,
Trust-free interchain
Relay chain operations,
Parachain validation
“Polkadot is a scalable heterogeneous multi-chain. This means
that unlike previous blockchain implementations which have
focused on providing a single chain of varying degrees of
generality over potential applications, Polkadot itself is
designed to provide no inherent application functionality at all.
Rather, Polkadot provides the bedrock “relay-chain” upon which
a large number of validatable, globally-coherent dynamic
data-structures may be hosted side-by-side. We call these
data-structures “parallelised” chains or parachains, though
there is no specific need for them to be blockchain in nature.”
Gavin WOOD 2016
XCMP HRMP channels,
XCMP channels,
XCMP authentication
“XCMP is Polkadot’s cross-chain message-passing protocol.
It allows one parachain to send messages to another parachain
and provides guarantees about the delivery of these messages.
Polkadot allows parachains to send each other mesages as long
as they have established messaging channels with each other.”
Alistair STEWART,
Availability and Validity
of Data in Sharded
Light client validators,
Relay chain
Shared security
“AnV is a blockchain sharding scheme through which a single
beacon (relay chain) can validate numerous shard chains, with
true shared security, minimal latency, good liveness, and relative
efficiency in terms of computation, network, and storage.”
Jeffrey BURDGES,
Alistair STEWART
Web3 Foundation
Polkadot Runtime
Security Assessment
Source code analysis,
Configuration and
Architecture review,
Attack simulation and
Breach modelling,
Network protocol
“Overall, the Substrate and Polkadot layers were found to be
free from traditional classes of vulnerabilities and were difficult
to disrupt or subvert via exploitation of injection, corruption,
and permissions issues. The use of Rust greatly reduced the
likelihood of many classes of attack. Rust is a programming
language that is focused on safety above all else, while still
being high-performance.”
Atredis Partners 2020/02
A verifiably secure
and proportional
committee election rule
Proportional justified
representation (PJR),
Sybil resistance,
“Our work is motivated by an application on blockchains that
implement Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS), where the
community must elect a committee of validators to participate
in its consensus protocol, and where fighting overrepresentation
protects the system against attacks by an adversarial minority.”
Alistair STEWART
Token Economics
NPoS payments &
Transaction fees,
“We therefore aim at having a considerable percentage of the
total DOT supply be staked by validators and nominators.
Another large percentage of the DOT supply will be frozen as
deposits by the commercial blockchains who get a parachain
slot. We originally aim to have around 50% of DOTs staked in
NPoS, and 30% in parachain deposits.”
Where are we now and
what can we expect for
Blockchain consensus,
Transaction history,
Centralised and
Decentralised worlds
“Interoperability will make connected blockchains effectively
one ecosystem, reducing the costs of lock-in when deciding
which chain to use. True interoperability would allow assets
on one chain to derive value from being used on another and
applications on different chains to interact.”
Fatemeh SHIRAZI 2021/01
incentives for
council members
Staking behaviour,
“The current advances in technologies surrounding
Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) can be utilized as an additional
incentive layer for council member’s engagement and
participation. NFTs as tool can be perfectly combined with
insights from the academic literature about the concept of
“gamification” to foster engagement and reward good behavior.”
Jonas GERHLEIN 2021/04
Nominating and
validator selection
on Polkadot
Staking, Elections,
“To motivate nominators to select only suitable and trustworthy
validators, they share the same consequences as their validators.
That means that they get rewarded for the validator’s good
behavior and fined (“slashed”) for bad behavior. These key
concepts ensure that, by the wisdom of the crowd and market
forces, the nominators contribute to securing the network by
curating the active set of validators. The votes of nominators can
thereby be regarded as affirmations of the credibility of the
respective validators.”
Jonas GERHLEIN 2021/07
Smart Contracts,
and Candle Auctions
Shill bidding
“Front-running opportunities arise in blockchain auctions
because any new bid that is entered into the (peer-to-peer)
network securing the blockchain becomes public among network
members almost instantaneously. Yet, a bid counts for the
auction’s outcome only after it is included in a new block.
The problem is that new blocks are appended to the chain at
discrete intervals only. Together with the permissionless nature
of blockchain networks this gives tech-savvy bidders an
opportunity window to inspect and react to the bids of other
bidders before a new block is produced.”
Samuel HÄFNER,
Alistair STEWART
Titles Focus areas Excerpts Authors Publication